About Me (full CV)

picture of me
I'm a cognitive psychologist and neuroscientist from Germany, born in Australia. After my studies of Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience at University of Erlangen, University of Melbourne and Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, I did my PhD at the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience and the Berlin School of Mind and Brain with John-Dylan Haynes. This was followed by a Postdoc with Jan Gläscher at the University Medical Center in Hamburg and a Humboldt fellowship with Chris Baker in the Laboratory of Brain and Cognition at NIMH in Bethesda MD. I then joined the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany, as an independent group leader. Since November 2022 I am an Associate Professor at Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany.

I enjoy teaching Cognitive Neuroscience, statistics, and methods. I am regularly invited to teach brain imaging analysis, advanced statistical courses, and multivariate pattern analysis, including courses in Berlin, Bern, Boston, Brisbane, Hamburg, Leipzig, Magdeburg, Sydney, and Washington DC.
